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Removing a Name From a Car Title

There are several instances when you might need to remove a name from a car title. It could be as a result of divorce, or you want to remove a co-owner, gift a car that has joint ownership. There are certain steps that you will need to achieve this aim, we will take a look at the processes and step needed to be taken to remove a name from a car title.

Step One

If the car is jointly owned, you need to seek the consent of the other party. TO achieve this, you have to review the title, if the names are separated by “and” or “or”. If it carries “and/or” you don’t need the permission from the other party to remove yourself but if the names are separated by “and”, then you have to seek the consent of the other person listed on the title.

Step Two

Ask all party or parties listed on the title for permission to either remove yourself or remove one or all of them. All listed persons on the title must agree to your request to remove a name or names on the title, if they don’t agree to your request, then you most likely will not be able to achieve your aim.

Step Three

Arrange the party to be removed to sign the title over to other party. The signing can be done on the back side of the title.

Step Four

Visit your state Department of Motor Vehicles with the title. Explain the situation of things to the officer at the agency, requesting for a name to be removed on the title.

Present the signed document and complete the required steps as directed by the officer.

With these steps, you can easily remove a name on a car title.

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